Young people often approach our clinics with some reluctance and fear. Their visit to a sexual and reproductive health clinic may be the first time that they have ‘been to a doctor’s’ by themselves.
They may also fear what is going to happen, what their rights are about confidentiality, how safe they are going to be and what people might think about them having sex.
Additionally young people can feel judged and alienated, simply for being young.
This course gives space and time for people working in clinics to think about how they can make their services more young people friendly. It explores our values and attitudes about young people and some of the barriers that we face when working with them.
However, as with all Bish training courses, it has an equal emphasis on practical strategies focussing on communication skills, team working and useful tricks of the trade to make young people feel welcomed, looked after and valued.
It is participatory and interactive and uses engaging and fun activities which are extremely relevant and empowering. It includes a powerful activity called Spaceship to Mars, small and large group discussions, practising practical strategies, poster design and role play. It is a challenging but fun course delivered in a safe and inclusive way.
This is for anyone working with young people in a sexual health setting. Reproductive Sexual Health, GUM, outreach clinics, condom distribution schemes, chlamydia screening programmes, GP practice.
It is also multi-disciplinary and is particularly suitable for clinic teams of all professions: reception and admin teams, clinic assistants, nurses, doctors, health advisers, outreach workers, youth workers.
If you wish to make a booking or have any questions about the content or fee please get in touch via the contact page.
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