This activity book is a companion piece to Bish to help young people to make sense of relationships and sex for themselves. It’s about asking students some big questions to help them work out how they feel about themselves and relationships and sex.
To that end there are worksheets around self-esteem, self-care, relationships, feeling better about our bodies, sex, consent and communication in this resource. As well as some of these more serious worksheets there are also fun activities such as join the dots, spot the difference, colouring-in, and a board game.
With the two approaches combined I hope that young folk will be able to have some of the outcomes of good RSE.
However, even a comprehensive advice website and an accompanying activity book is no substitute for good classroom RSE. Having a space where people can discuss the big topics that I cover in this resource can be invaluable to them.
If you are new to delivering RSE, or are wishing to revamp your curriculum, you might want to have a look at the rest of my resources at You might also be interested in another comprehensive resource that I was heavily involved in writing, called DO….
DO… is a free resource for teachers containing everything they need to get started delivering really great RSE. It’s super inclusive, is all about the students, and is modern and relevant. Best of all you don’t need to be an expert in RSE to deliver it, just a confident teacher.
This activity book complements Bish but I think it would also make a great companion resource for DO…. You could use some of these pages as worksheets in tutor time, or as a plenary activity, or even as homework.
This resource is for over 14s and maybe a little bit older (just like everything at Bish and DO…). You know your students best though. There might be some sections that you want to give them and some you may want to leave out (which is why there are no page numbers).
For latest updates about RSE and ideas on best practice, don’t forget to check out the blog section of or indeed follow me on twitter @bishtraining
Hope you find this resource useful!
Total number of pages – 51
Page size – A4
Instant download
180 dpi resolution